Chez le juvénile et l'adulte, elle varie du jaune pale à rougeâtre. Le déclin aurait commencé dans l'est des îles Aléoutiennes[12] avant de s'étendre à l'ouest des îles et dans le golfe d'Alaska, pendant les années 1980 et 1990. Le nouveau-né mesure en moyenne 1 m, pour une masse de 17 à 23 kg. VWPICS. 453-457. The Steller sea lion's hearing range also suggests that they are capable of hearing the underwater calls of one of their main predators, the killer whale. Pups that consumed more milk were heavier than those that didn't. Oxygen: 45 Également appelée lion de mer, l'otarie de Steller est la plus grande des espèces d'otaries. The Steller Sea Lion is the largest member of the eared seals, or sea lions and fur seals (Order Carnivora, Superfamily Pinnipedia, Family Otariidae; Rice 1998). Steller sea lion / lion de mer de Steller. Les mâles sont légèrement plus grands, mesurant en moyenne 3 m de longueur. As the pups aged, females began to spend more time at sea again. Liity Facebookiin ja pidä yhteyttä käyttäjän Lion De Mer ja muiden tuttujesi kanssa. sonnement d’eulakanes peut être d’importance critique pour les lions de mer de Steller à un moment où leurs besoins énergétiques sont grands. Les otaries vivant dans l'ouest de l'Alaska se nourrissent surtout de colin d'Alaska (Theragra chalcogramma) et de maquereau Atka (Pleurogrammus monopterygius (en))[2], tandis que celles du golfe d'Alaska consomment principalement du colin d'Alaska (Theragra chalcogramma)[3],[4]. Leur espérance de vie est de l'ordre de vingt-cinq ans. Among pinnipeds, it is inferior in size only to the walrus and the two species of elephant seals. 1992. As the pups mature, specifically at the sixth week past parturition, the mother's sea time declines by 30 percent. La population de l'Ouest, quant à elle, vit dans le golfe de l'Alaska, la mer de Béring, jusqu'aux îles Kouriles, au sud. L'hypothèse principale veut que l'abondance et/ou la qualité des proies ait diminué, menant à un stress alimentaire chronique chez les otaries[14]. Rocky Mountain goat; ... Steller sea lion. De Brazza's monkey; Giraffe Feeding Deck; Naked mole rat; Reticulated giraffe. high (4) Leur taille et leur poids varient de 1,50 mètre et 300 kilogrammes pour les femelles des lions de mer d'Australie et de Californie, à 2,90 mètres et 1 tonne pour les lions de mer de Steller mâles. And 100% speed. Explore Les Photos de Gabriel's photos on Flickr. Il peut aussi s'aventurer dans les estuaires. The Steller Sea Lion is the largest member of the eared seals, or sea lions and fur seals (Order Carnivora, Superfamily Pinnipedia, Family Otariidae; Rice 1998). A subsistence harvest on the order of 300 animals or less continues to this day in some native communities in Alaska. Lion de mer de Steller. Sea lions swim with their front flippers, while seals swim with their hind flippers. fr lion de mer de steller A French term in ConceptNet 5.8 Sources: DBPedia 2015 , English Wiktionary , French Wiktionary , and Open Multilingual WordNet Le lion de mer septentrional, appelé aussi otarie de Steller (Eumetopias jubatus), est le plus gros des otaridés. Olesiuk, P.F., D.G. 310 Steller Dr , Bear, DE 19701-4920 is currently not for sale. English. 2008. Lion de mer de Steller. lleó marí de Steller m. ‎(plural lleons marins de Steller) Espècie d’otàrid que viu a les costes del Pacífic septentrional (Eumetopias jubatus) Hiperònims . An evaluation of Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) pup counts from 35mm oblique photographs. The Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus), also known as the Steller's sea lion and northern sea lion, is a near-threatened species of sea lion in the northern Pacific. subantarctic fur seal / otarie à fourrure subantarctique. Lion de mer de Steller. Les otaries de ces régions chassent aussi, occasionnellement, le merlu du Pacifique nord (Merluccius productus), la plie à grande bouche (Atheresthes stomias), du saumon du Pacifique (Oncorhynchus spp. español: León marino de Steller; فارسی: شیر دریایی اشتلر; suomi: Stellerinmerileijona; français: Lion de mer de Steller; עברית: אריה ים שטלר; magyar: Steller-oroszlánfóka; Bahasa Indonesia: Singa laut steller; 日本語: トド; ქართული: ზღვის ძაღლი; 한국어: 큰바다사자 Le lion de mer de Steller, ou otarie de Steller (Eumetopias jubatus), est la plus grande des espèces d'otaries. Because Steller sea lions are sexually dimorphic in size, their hearing differs in sensitivity, possibly due to differences in size of the hearing structures. Son régime est constitué d'un large éventail de poissons et d'invertébrés, mais est dominé par une ou deux espèces, selon les régions et les saisons. There is no relationship between the pups' activity, or physical excursion to their suckling time, age, or sex. Pregnant females give birth soon after arriving on a rookery, and copulation generally occurs one to two weeks after giving birth,[22][23] but the fertilized egg does not become implanted in the uterus until the fall. [1] Killing sea lions is strictly prohibited in the US and Russia, but in Japan a fixed number are still removed annually, ostensibly to protect their fisheries. Haul-out sites and haul-out abundance of the Steller sea lion can be determined by prey availability, predator abundance, tide levels, weather, etc.[16]. As pups get older the amount of time spent by females foraging out at sea increases.This continues until pups obtain the ideal body weight and energy reserves to eat on their own. They are very vocal and can be aggressive while defending their territory. Select from premium Lion De Mer of the highest quality. The aerobic diving limit (ADL) of Steller sea lions was observed to be affected by their nutritional state and feeding. Steller’s sea lion (also known as the northern sea lion) lives along the rocky coasts of the North Pacific, with a range extending from California to Canada, Alaska, the Bering Strait, Kamchatka and on to northern Japan.It is the largest of all sea lion species.Adult males are 3 metres long and can weigh up to a tonne, while females are smaller and much lighter. In females specifically, obtaining an insufficient amount of nutrients has resulted in the failure to complete their pregnancies to full term. Pups are born at an average of about 1 m and 18 to 22 kg. Though researchers are uncertain as to the motives or reasons behind said attacks, it is suggested that the bull involved may have an abnormal personality akin to being psychotic.[24]. [17] They seem to prefer schooling fish and forage primarily between intertidal zones and continental shelves. [13] Like all otariids, Steller sea lions are amphibious and spend some time in water and some on land. In Canada, commercial hunting is prohibited, but limited hunting permits are occasionally granted if local culling is required—for example, nuisance animals destroying fish farms. Nom . For example, in the 19th century their whiskers sold for a penny apiece for use as tobacco-pipe cleaners. [39], Steller sea lions are sometimes killed intentionally by fishermen, as they are seen as competitors and a threat to fish stocks. TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia. Annual migration of the Steller sea lion and California sea lion along the coast of Oregon. Southern ground hornbill; Speke's gazelle; Asian Elephants. Lion de mer de Steller (Eumetopias jubatus) Le lion de mer de Steller vit dans l'océan Pacifique, où vous pourrez l'apercevoir sur les côtes des États-Unis, du Canada, de Corée, de Russie et du Japon. The Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus), also known as the Steller's sea lion and "northern sea lion", is a near-threatened species of sea lion in the northern Pacific. Shark species are also possible predators: sleepers and great whites may prey on juvenile sea lions. In recent years, Steller sea lions have been known to enter the Columbia River estuary and feed on white sturgeon, several salmon species, and rainbow trout, some of which are also listed under the U.S. Steller sea lion pups are born almost black, weighing around 23 kg (51 lb), and remain dark in coloration for several months. [14] Some haul-out sites, known as rookeries, are commonly used for reproduction while other haul-out sites are used for other purposes like molting. Males are slightly longer than the females, growing to about 2.82–3.25 m (9.3–10.7 ft) long and averaging 3 m (9.8 ft) in length. Labeled water studies showed that the pups' milk intake had a direct relationship to their size. Également appelée lion de mer, l'otarie de Steller est la plus grande des espèces d'otaries. Males with semiaquatic territories have the most success in defending them. Ses mâchoires sont suffisamment puissantes pour broyer ses proies. [1], Historically, the sea lion has had only very slight commercial value. One suspected cause of their precipitous decline was the overfishing of Alaska pollock, herring, and other fish stocks in the Gulf of Alaska. Longues et larges, ses nageoires pectorales lu… French: lion de mer de Steller; Italian: leone marino di Steller m; Japanese: 胡獱 (トド, todo) Korean: 큰바다사자 (keunbadasaja) Lithuanian: šiaurinis jūrų liūtas; Norwegian: stellersjøløve; Polish: uchatek grzywiasty, uchatka grzywiasta, lew morski Stellera; Portuguese: leão-marinho-de-steller; Russian: сиву́ч (sivúč) Like all other otariids, Steller sea lions are polygynous. Currently the Japanese, California, and Galapagos sea lions are considered to be three separate species. Weddell seal / phoque de Weddell. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. [16] However, both biotic and abiotic factors can influence the amount of time that Steller sea lions spend on land. Last Update: 2015-05-25 Usage Frequency: 3 Quality: Reference: Wikipedia. A fertilized egg may remain inside a female for up to three months before being implanted and beginning to form into a blastocyst. Journal du Conseil International pour l’Exploration de le Mer 169:455-461. Deutsch: Stellerscher Seelöwe English: Steller's Sea Lion español: León marino de Steller français: Lion de mer Steller Iñupiak: Ugiġñaq 日本語: トド polski: Uchatka grzywiasta, lew morski Stellera 中文: 北海狮 [1], Steller sea lions are top-tier carnivores, but are susceptible to predation, primarily by killer whales. STELLER SEA LION eumetopias jubata, ADULT SWIMMING, ALASKA . 1484 Steller sea lions are skilled and opportunistic marine predators, feeding on a wide range of fish and cephalopod species. Diagnostic Features. L'Otarie de Steller est un prédateur opportuniste. Pinnipeds are most closely related to the arctoid carnivores, especially bear-like and racoon-like mammals. [citation needed]. Les causes de ce déclin demeurent débattues. Taxonomic information. Trouver le Demi-pendentif d'agilité aquatique et le Demi-pendentif d'endurance aquatique. Ils font partie de la liste des espèces en péril en raison de la chasse, de l'abattage, des déversements d'hydrocarbures et à la diminution de leurs proies potentielles. Among pinnipeds, it is inferior in size only to the walrus and the two species of elephant seals. Their suckling time, and age and gender are unrelated to their use of energy. [12], Steller sea lions tend to live in the coastal waters of the subarctic because of the cooler temperate climate of the area. [22][23] A week or so later, adult females arrive, accompanied occasionally by sexually immature offspring, and form fluid aggregations throughout the rookery. Un grand nombre de lions de mer de Steller (Eu- metopias jubatus) ont été attirés par des rassemblements préparatoires à la fraye d’eulakanes (Thaleichthys pacificus) dans la baie de Berners dans le sud-est de l’Alaska en avril et en mai 2002 et 2003. The most recent view is that all pinnipeds (walruses, true seals, and eared seals) had a single evolutionary origin. There are two recognized subspecies: western Steller sea lion ( E. j. jubatus ), and Loughlin’s Steller sea lion ( E. j. monteriensis ), as recently adopted by the Society for Marine Mammalogy. Distinctive Characteristics: Steller sea lions are enormous and powerfully built. Adult animals are lighter in color than most sea lions, ranging from pale yellow to tawny and occasionally reddish. Vagrants have been spotted in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Gulf and along the coast of Korea and China. Using criteria based on velocity and the minimum radius of turns, Steller's maneuverability is similar to other eared seals, superior to cetaceans, and inferior to many fish. Les mâles sont quatre fois plus lourds que les femelles et les plus gros peuvent atteindre 1 tonne pour une longueur de 3 m. Une femelle pèse environ 270 kg pour 2,20 m de longueur. Comme des restrictions dans la disponibilite´ des proies peuvent contribuer a` ce de´clin, il est important de comprendre les capacite´s de jeuˆne des lions de mer de Steller. C'est la seule espèce du genre Eumetopias. 3Alpha Code: SSL Taxonomic Code: 4060100101. Portfolio; Search; Reportage by VWPics; Archive otarie de Steller | lion de mer de Steller. English: Steller's sea lion, Northern Sealion, Northern Sea Lion, Steller Sea Lion, Steller's Sealion, Steller's Sea Lion, Steller Sea Lion, Northern Sea Lion العربية : أسد بحر ستيلر [1], Reproductively mature male sea lions gather together mid-spring on traditional, well-defined reproductive rookeries,[22][23] usually on beaches on isolated islands. On le trouve depuis le sud de la Californie le long de la côte du Pacifique jusqu'au Japon septentrional, mais la plupart se reproduisent entre le Golfe central de l'Alaska et les îles Aléoutiennes occidentales. [9][10] Recent evidence suggests the sea lions in Russia in the Sea of Okhotsk and the Kuril Islands comprise a third Asian stock, while the sea lions on the eastern seaboard of Kamchatka and the Commander Islands belong to the western stock. FAO Names: En - Steller sea lion; Fr - Lion de mer de Steller; Sp - Lobo marino de Steller. Most of the data on their foraging comes from data collected off the coast of Alaska; little is known of their foraging behavior elsewhere. Mature male sea lions have a range of vocalizations as part of their territorial behaviors, including belches, growls, snorts, and hisses that serve as warnings to others. They are known to aggregate near fishing vessels, preying on bycatch discards. Le lion de mer de Steller ou otarie de Steller (Eumetopias jubatus) est la plus grande des espèces d'otaries et peut vivre jusqu'à 51,6 ans. [37] Their aerial vocalizations have been described as similar to the bleats of sheep, and bellows. US States Quiz. Add a translation. Re´sume´ : Le de´clin de la population de lions de mer de Steller (Eumetopias jubatus (Schreber, 1776)) peut eˆtre relie´ a` la diminution de la survie des jeunes. Etimologia: Anomenat pel naturalista alemany Georg Wilhelm Steller que els va descriure el 1741. [44] Other hypotheses include increased predation by orcas[45] and sharks,[46] indirect effects of prey species composition shifts due to changes in climate, effects of disease or contaminants, shooting by fishermen, and others. Last Update: 2015-05-25 Usage Frequency: 3 Quality: Reference: Wikipedia. Entre les années 1950 et 1970, on estime que la population globale d'otaries de Steller est passée de 250 000 à près de 300 000 individus[10]. Shomura and H. O. Yoshida (eds). Females have a higher sensitivity than males, perhaps to hear the higher frequency calls of their pups. common wormwood. Évaluation des dénombrements de petits de l' otarie de Steller (Eumetopias jubatus) à partir d'images 35mm prises à angle oblique. Incidents of marine mammal encounters with debris and active fishing gear. 1975. Fifty States in … [Charles Lavack; Gilles Cop; Micheline Marchildon; Gary Yates; Productions Rivard, Inc.; TVOntario. Glide velocity of individual Steller sea lions has been measured as 2.9–3.4 meters or 1.2–1.5 body lengths per second, which is close to the optimal swim velocity of 1.4 body lengths per second based on the minimum cost of transport for California sea lions. Steller sea lions are larger and have longer flippers. View more property details, sales history and Zestimate data on Zillow. En - Steller sea lion, Fr - Lion de mer de Steller, Sp - Lobo marino de Steller. This stems largely from the "junk-food hypothesis" representing a shift in their diet from fatty herring and capelin to leaner fare such as pollock and flounder, thereby limiting their ability to consume and store fat. Elles mesurent en moyenne 2,5 m de longueur. Diccionaris en Línia. Both males and females also produce underwater noises similar to their above water sounds, described as clicks, barks, and belches. The current debate is whether walruses are more closely related to the true seals or the eared seals. (11.5 cm.) This date is supported by both stratigraphic and regional sea-level emergence data and is similar to radiocarbon dates on a Steller sea lion humerus from Bowen Island, just north of … And the stellar sea lion", The subsistence harvest and use of Steller sea lions in Alaska, "Predation on an Upper Trophic Marine Predator, the Steller Sea Lion: Evaluating High Juvenile Mortality in a Density Dependent Conceptual Framework", "In cold blood: evidence of Pacific sleeper shark (, "The decline of Steller sea lions Eumetopias jubatus in Alaska: a review of the nutritional stress hypothesis", "Sea Lion Species Removed from Endangered Species List", US National Marine Fisheries Service Steller Sea Lion web page, ARKive – images and movies of the Steller sea lion, Alaska Department of Fish and Game page on Steller sea lions, Overview of Steller sea lion research at NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Marine Mammal Lab, News media report on Steller sea lions and sturgeon interactions, – news and information on seal and sea lion predation of salmon and steelhead in the Pacific Northwest, NOAA fact sheet on pinnipeds in the Columbia River, Watch more Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) video clips from the BBC archive on Wildlife Finder, Fifteen years of research into the Alaska populations of Steller Sea Lions at the Alaska SeaLife Center,, Taxa named by Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Range of Steller sea lions (purple = overall range, red = breeding rookeries), This page was last edited on 31 January 2021, at 02:43. Book Le Lion de Mer, Saint-Raphael on Tripadvisor: See 190 traveller reviews, 301 candid photos, and great deals for Le Lion de Mer, ranked #36 of 38 hotels in Saint-Raphael and rated 2.5 of 5 at Tripadvisor. Although previous findings on eared seals suggested that thrust was generated by the initial outward movement of the foreflippers or the terminal drag-based paddling phase, the 2007 study found that little or no thrust was generated during those phases. Perryman, C. Stinchcomb et M. Lynn. Males can weigh between 450–1,120 kg (990–2,470 lb), weighing on average 544 kg (1,199 lb). Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. carnívors > pinnípedes > … The lack of prey corresponds to the decrease in population. It is fitting then that their Latin name translates roughly as "maned one with the broad forehead". 2008/063. Facebook antaa ihmisille mahdollisuuden jakaa … Steller's sea lion Bottom: Steller's sea cow (extinct; sketch by Steller) Georg Wilhelm Steller (10 March 1709 – 14 November 1746) was a German botanist , zoologist , physician and explorer , who worked in Russia and is considered a … Royalty-Free Stock Photo. STELLER SEA LION eumetopias jubata, GROUP STANDING ON ROCKS, ALASKA [47][48], Another possible reason for decline in this species has been tied to the Nutritional Stress Hypothesis. La population de l'Est s'étend du sud de la Californie au sud-est de l'Alaska. ternational pour L’Exploration de la Mer 169:338-352. The decline is certainly due to a complex of interrelated factors which have yet to be defined by the research effort. eider de Steller. lion de mer de Steller. À la naissance, la fourrure de l'Otarie de Steller adulte est brun foncé, presque noire. Nom . Les Photos de Gabriel has uploaded 6635 photos to Flickr. Etimologia: Anomenat pel naturalista alemany Georg Wilhelm Steller que els va descriure el 1741. [23] The boundaries are defined by natural features, such as rocks, faults, or ridges in rocks, and territories can remain stable for 60 days. Un grand nombre de lions de mer de Steller (Eu- metopias jubatus)ont été attirés par des rassemblements préparatoires à la fraye d’eulakanes (Thaleichthys pacificus) dans la baie de Berners dans le sud-est de l’Alaska en avril et en mai 2002 et 2003. They formerly bred as far south as the Channel Islands, but have not been observed there since the 1980s. American black bear; Cascade Crest. On le retrouve principalement entre la zone intertidale et la limite du plateau continental. Il peut vivre jusqu'à 51,6 ans. In the summer, Steller sea lions tend to shift their range somewhat southward. Leurs lieux de reproduction se trouvent entre le Golfe central de l'Alaska et les îles Aléoutiennes occidentales, et celle-ci a lieu au bord de la mer, dans les rochers. L'eider de Steller est classé «vulnérable» par l'UICN et figure à l'annexe 1 de la directive «Oiseaux» de l'UE, comme le plongeon catmarin, le plongeur arctique, le grèbe esclavon et le harle piette. [26] After a week or so of nursing without leaving the rookery, females begin to take progressively longer and more frequent foraging trips leaving their pups behind until at some point in late summer when both the mother and pup leave the rookery together. The Steller sea lion has attracted considerable attention in recent decades, owing to significant and largely unexplained declines in their numbers over an extensive portion of their northern range in Alaska. Photo about STELLER SEA LION eumetopias jubata, ADULT SWIMMING, ALASKA. Females and males both grow rapidly until the fifth year, after which female growth slows considerably. L'Otarie de Steller vit près des côtes dans le nord de l'océan Pacifique. [42][43] They have since been the object of intense study and the focus of much political and scientific debate in Alaska. L'otarie de Steller : le lion de mer. Les nouveau-nés pèsent de 16 à 23 kg. They usually aggregate in groups of up to twelve in areas of prey abundance. Records suggest that the range of their prey species has broadened over time. It is the sole member of the genus Eumetopias and the largest of the eared seals (Otariidae). Based on genetic anаlyses and local migration patterns, the global Steller sea lion population has traditionally been divided into an eastern and western stock at 144°W longitude, roughly through the middle of the Gulf of Alaska. They are highly polygynous ; adult males arrive before females and establish territories , which they aggressively and vociferously defend. 359–395 in R. J. Harrison, R. C. Hubbard, R. S. Peterson, C. E. Rice, and R. J. Schusterman (eds.). Gentry, R. L. (1970). Since the Steller sea lions are themselves protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act,[1] managers are compelled to use nonlethal deterrence methods, such as rubber bullets and noisemakers. These isolated islands are preferred by Stellar sea lions because they can avoid predation from terrestrial predators, easily thermoregulate (by means of cooling winds), and access offshore prey more easily. Finnish Translation for lion de mer - English-Finnish Dictionary Ils pèsent de 400 à 800 kg[1]. Au sud-est de l'Alaska et en Colombie-Britannique, les deux principales espèces consommées sont le colin d'Alaska et le hareng (Clupea pallasii)[5],[6]. [27] Reproductive males fast throughout the reproductive season,[28] often without entering the water once from mid-May until August, when the structure of the reproductive rookeries begins to fall apart and most animals leave for the open seas and disperse throughout their range. Massif de l'Esterel: Tickets & Tours‎ Basilique Notre-Dame de la Victoire: Tickets & Tours‎ Calanque de Maubois: Tickets & Tours‎ Musee Louis de Funes: Tickets & Tours‎ Les Balcons du Cap Roux: Tickets & Tours‎ Casino Barriere de Saint-Raphael: Tickets & Tours‎ Lion of the Sea (Lion de Mer): Tickets & Tours‎ [5][6][7] Males are further distinguished from females by broader and higher foreheads, flatter snouts, and a thick mane of coarse hair[8] around their large necks. [35] The primary function of their vocalizations is for social behavior. Other common names used in Canada include Steller’s sea lion, northern sea lion and lion de mer de Steller. walrus / morse. lleó marí de Steller m. ‎(plural lleons marins de Steller) Espècie d’otàrid que viu a les costes del Pacífic septentrional (Eumetopias jubatus) Hiperònims . Pour cette raison, la population de l'Ouest a été désignée menacée aux États-Unis en 1990[13]. This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Canada.There are approximately 200 mammal species, over 460 native bird species, 43 amphibian species, 43 reptile species, and 1,200 fish species in Canada. New and Popular Countries of the World Quiz. The composition of the diet of Steller sea lions varies seasonally and geographically; as opportunistic predators, they concentrate on the locally most abundant prey species. It is the sole member of the genus Eumetopias and the largest of the eared seals (Otariidae). Deterrence by the public is strictly forbidden. [1][11] The oldest fossil known of the species was found near Kanazawa, Japan and dates to the late Early Pleistocene (0.8 Ma). Des analyses de contenus stomacaux ont montré que des gastrolithes sont souvent retrouvées dans l'estomac de l'Otarie de Steller[8],[9]. Les femelles adultes atteignent une masse variant entre 200 et 300 kg. Steller sea lions are enormous and powerfully built. Re´sume´ : Neuf lions de mer de Steller (Eumetopias jubatus (Schreber, 1776), aˆge ´s de 1,75–6 ans) ont e´te soumis a` un jeuˆne de 7 a` 14 j afin de ve´rifier l’effet d’un jeuˆne de courte dure´e sur les changements de masse et de condition corpo-relles. [33] Steller sea lions' dives are more energetically costly if they perform dive bouts. Évaluation et Rapport de situation du COSEPAC sur l’otarie de Steller au Canada 2003,, Taxobox utilisant une classification non précisée, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Catégorie Commons avec lien local différent sur Wikidata, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Au bout d'un an, les jeunes mesurent en moyenne 1,78 m. On peut les retrouver du sud de la Californie jusqu'au Japon septentrional. Taxonomic information Carnivora, Otariidae. [41] Though not as abundant as the California sea lion, they are still a concern for those agencies charged with managing the fish populations. About 70 percent of the Steller sea lion population resides in Alaska. Le lion de mer de Steller, l'otarie à fourrure de l'Alaska, l'éléphant de mer, [...] la loutre de mer, l'épaulard et le dauphin sont parmi les autres espèces qui bénéficient des soins du centre. ), de raies, de lamproies du Pacifique (Lampetra tridentata), de clupéidés (hareng et pilchard de Californie), de sébastes (Sebastes spp.) [29], In the past, the low pup production has been tied to an increase in nutritional stress found in females. Le lion de mer de Steller, l'otarie à fourrure de l'Alaska, l'éléphant de mer, la loutre [...] d e mer , l'épaulard et le dauphin sont parmi les autres espèces qui bénéficient des soins du centre. Évaluation des dénombrements de petits de l’otarie de Steller (Eumetopias jubatus) à partir d’images 35mm … [22] Steller sea lions have used aquatic, semiaquatic, and terrestrial territories. [38], Steller sea lion were hunted for meat and other commodities by prehistoric communities everywhere their range intersected with human communities. Le lion de mer de Steller, l'otarie à fourrure de l'Alaska, l'éléphant de mer, la loutre [...] d e mer , l'épaulard et le dauphin sont parmi les autres espèces qui bénéficient des soins du centre. "The nutrition of pinnipeds", pp. Steller sea lions breed in the late spring and summer. Lion De Mer on Facebookissa. C'est la seule espèce du genre Eumetopias. Aside from the overall large size of adults and generally robust build of all age and sex classes, the most conspicuous characteristics are the appear- Le lion de mer de Steller ou otarie de Steller (Eumetopias jubatus) est la plus grande des espèces d'otaries et peut vivre jusqu'à 51,6 ans. Description de l’otarie de Steller. Salinity: 20. Steller sea lion. D IZON, A. E., C. L OCKYER, W. F. P ERRIN, D. P. D E M ASTER AND J. On le trouve depuis le sud de la Californie le long de la côte du Pacifique jusqu'au Japon septentrional, mais la plupart se reproduisent entre le Golfe central de l'Alaska et les îles Aléoutiennes occidentales. [50], Olesiuk, Peter F, and Bigg, Michael A. The mother and pup both use distinctive calls, like names, to help differentiate themselves among the crowd of other sea lions. Wormwood pollen. [30], A 2007 study of Steller sea lions found that a majority of thrust was produced during the drive phase of the fore flipper stroke cycle. Steller sea lions are highly gregarious and they use traditional haul out sites (an area used for resting) and rookeries (an area used for breeding and rearing young) on remote and exposed islands. While the populations of the eastern and Asian stocks appear stable, the population of the western stock, particularly along the Aleutian Islands, was estimated to have fallen by 70–80% since the 1970s.