12 On his turban the diadem of gold, its plate wrought with the insignia of holiness, Who fosters men's growth from their mother's womb, and fashions them according to his will! All Rights Reserved. 8 He has poured her forth upon all his works, 29 Because you approached the fear of the LORD with your heart full of guile. 24 Therefore on him again God conferred the right, in a covenant of friendship, to provide for the sanctuary, 15 As a trustworthy prophet he was sought out and his words proved him true as a seer. 12 Through God's covenant with them their family endures, their posterity, for their sake. 15 At gatherings their wisdom is retold, and the assembly proclaims their praise. 23 In his lifetime he turned back the sun and prolonged the life of the king. Livre de Ben Sira le Sage. The book of Ben Sira was composed in Hebrew c. 180 B.C.E. Note added in May 2020: Since the website was launched in December 2013, Eric Reymond (Yale University) has worked assiduously to identify new readings in the Ben Sira manuscripts. These documents now reside in Jerusalem, under the aegis of the Israel Antiquities Authority. 26 Play not the hypocrite before men; over your lips keep watch. 16 Glorious, too, were SHEM and SETH and ENOS; Authors skilled in composition, and forgers of epigrams with their spikes; These documents, which are housed in Cambridge, Oxford, London, Paris, New York, Los Angeles, and Jerusalem, are here presented in a single platform, to allow the scholar and the interested layperson to view these precious texts. 23 PHINEHAS too, the son of Eleazar, was the courageous third of his line In such cases, we have provided both our new numbers and the older numbers. Both the Bodleian's own website and www.genizah.org display these folios in the incorrect order. In his own flesh he incised the ordinance, and when tested he was found loyal. 21 For this reason, God promised him with an oath that in his descendants the nations would be blessed, 4 Riche ou pauvre, il aura le cœur content ; à tout moment l’on verra son bonheur sur son visage. 1102 (=Manuscript B, IX recto and IX verso), is prominently displayed on the home page of this website, along with the handwritten note from Dr Schechter to Mrs Lewis informing her that the manuscript page ‘represents a piece of the original Hebrew of Ecclesiasticus’ (underscore in Schechter’s letter). Welcome to www.bensira.org, the website devoted to the ancient and medieval Hebrew manuscripts of the book of Ben Sira. 6 Stalwart men, solidly established and at peace in their own estates - 20 Then coming down he would raise his hands over all the congregation of Israel. 23 For discipline is like her name, she is not accessible to many. 19 These two bring grief to my heart, and the third arouses my horror: 13 Extolled be the memory of NEHEMIAH! In the ensuing years, at the close of the 19th century and throughout the 20th century, more and more folios of Ben Sira from the Cairo Genizah were identified by scholars. 22 Depressed mind, saddened face, broken heart - this from an evil wife. 16 Some of these did what was right, but others were extremely sinful. 25 He foretold what should be till the end of time, hidden things yet to be fulfilled. Formed to be, as his name implies, the great savior of God's chosen ones, This document, bearing the shelfmark CUL Or. A byword in the city and the assembly of the people, an object of derision in public gatherings. Ben Sira also known as Shimon ben Yeshua ben Eliezer ben Sira or Yeshua Ben Sirach, was a Hellenistic Jewish scribe, sage, and allegorist from Seleucid-controlled Jerusalem of the Second Temple period. 3 He turned to God with his whole heart, and, though times were evil, he practiced virtue. 15 Her entire house she fills with choice foods, her granaries with her harvest. e. 62. 17 With song and story and riddle, and with your answers, you astounded the nations. 9 Happy is he who finds a friend and he who speaks to attentive ears. While originally written in Hebrew, the Book was read only through its Greek translation, known as Σειρὰχ . We are exceedingly grateful to the institutions and one private individual, which (who) serve as the custodians of these invaluable documents. La meilleure citation de Ben Sira préférée des internautes. 29 If he puts them into practice, he can cope with anything, for the fear of the LORD is his lamp. 13 A gracious wife delights her husband, her thoughtfulness puts flesh on his bones; Precious stones with seal engravings in golden settings, the work of the jeweler, Though God has given his hosts the strength to stand firm before his glory. 3 A good wife is a generous gift bestowed upon him who fears the LORD; 5 Since he called upon the Most High God, who gave strength to his right arm Then ELISHA, filled with a twofold portion of his spirit, wrought many marvels by his mere word. He established him in honor and crowned him with lofty majesty; 4 For his trustworthiness and meekness God selected him from all mankind; 13 Nothing was beyond his power; beneath him flesh was brought back into life. and the children of his race would be remembered; 2 What glory was his when he raised his arm, to brandish his javelin against the city! 20 Stumble not through woman's beauty, nor be greedy for her wealth; 7 He made him perpetual in his office when he bestowed on him the priesthood of his people; Till he won his way onto the summits of the land; his family too received an inheritance, 03 Celui qui honore son père obtient le pardon de ses péchés, 17 Like the light which shines above the holy lampstand, are her beauty of face and graceful figure. The rabbinical tradition that the Wisdom of Ben Sira was written by a sage of Jerusalem about 180 B.C. Sirach begins at quire 68, folio 1r (which includes the grandson's prologue), and runs through quire 71, folio 2r; the website presents both the images and the transcription. Le Siracide tient son nom de son auteur, Jésus Ben Sira (Ben Sira, Ben Sirakh, Ben Sirach). 10 So that when the Holy Name was praised, before daybreak the sanctuary would resound. For the LORD himself is his portion, his inheritance in the midst of Israel. 14 No poison worse than that of a serpent, no venom greater than that of a woman. Except his sons and them alone, generation after generation, for all time. And poured it out at the foot of the altar, a sweet-smelling odor to the Most High God, According to the now well-known story, when the British scholar-travelers and twin sisters Agnes Lewis and Margaret Gibson brought back Hebrew documents obtained in Cairo, and then showed one of them to Solomon Schechter (then Reader in Rabbinics at the University of Cambridge), the great scholar identified the first leaf of the Hebrew original of Ben Sira to come to light in the modern era. In their time they built the house of God; 28 Happy the man who meditates upon these things, wise the man who takes them to heart! Where, face to face, he gave him the commandments, the law of life and understanding, MS C, folio V (recto and verso), deserves special comment. 2 Do good to the righteous and reward will be yours, if not from them, from the Lord. 6 A jealous wife is heartache and mourning and a scourging tongue like the other three. The book was translated into Greek by the author’s grandson in Egypt (almost undoubtedly in Alexandria) in 132 B.C.E., during the reign of Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II. Read the Book of Ben Sira online. 4 How awesome are you, ELIJAH! 5 So he gave over their power to others, their glory to a foolish foreign nation 8 EZEKIEL beheld the vision and described the different creatures of the chariot; 5 A kind mouth multiplies friends, and gracious lips prompt friendly greetings. 6 The crown of old men is wide experience; their glory, the fear of the LORD. 3 And who could withstand him when he fought the battles of the LORD? 11 The JUDGES, too, each one of them, whose hearts were not deceived, - c. 70 C.E. In adoration before the Most High, before the Holy One of Israel. 14 His cereal offering is wholly burnt with the established sacrifice twice each day; J.-C. However, most of the Hebrew text of Sirach has been uncovered in the Cairo Geniza, at Masada, and in three Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran. 8 You anointed kings who should inflict vengeance, and a prophet as your successor. With nothing added, nothing taken away; no need of a counselor for him! A wealthy man reduced to want; illustrious men held in contempt; Do not grieve the hungry, nor anger the needy. upon every living thing according to his bounty; he has lavished her upon his friends. That he should serve God in his priesthood and bless his people in his name. These documents were discovered at Qumran and Masada, and while they represent a much smaller amount of material, their antiquity speaks for itself, for these manuscripts date from only a century or two after the work’s original composition, that is, c. 50 B.C.E. Retrouvez toutes les phrases célèbres de Ben Sira parmi une sélection de + de 100 000 citations célèbres provenant d'ouvrages, d'interviews ou de discours. 9 You were taken aloft in a whirlwind, in a chariot with fiery horses. 1 From him was to spring the man who won the favor of all: 18 Golden columns on silver bases are her shapely limbs and steady feet. A book with many different names, and containing lots of important information. 15 A faithful friend is beyond price, no sum can balance his worth. 2 Their staff of bread he shattered, in his zeal he reduced them to straits; 7 Of numbering every deposit, of recording all that is taken in and given out; Gary A. Rendsburg and Jacob Binstein 9 Fear of the LORD is glory and splendor, gladness and a festive crown. 16 ENOCH walked with the LORD and was taken up, that succeeding generations might learn by his example. 19 The people's hearts melted within them, and they were in anguish like that of childbirth. 5 He permitted him to hear his voice, and led him into the cloud, • Son nom complet, est la « Sagesse de Jésus Ben Sira », ou plus brièvement, la Sagesse de Sira, d’où la création du terme « Siracide », • La traduction latine de la Vulgate lui a donné le nom « Ecclésiastique », car ce livre servait à l’instruction des futurs baptisés désireux d’entrer dans l’Eglise. Indeed, due to the vagaries by which the approximately 300,000 Cairo Genizah manuscripts found their way to dozens of diverse libraries, museums, institutions, and private collections throughout Europe, North America, and Israel, even folios from the same manuscript are located in different places. - Gave new strength to Jacob and saved him by their faith and hope. 1 With three things I am delighted, for they are pleasing to the LORD and to men: As he ascended the glorious altar and lent majesty to the court of the sanctuary. And the man who passes from justice to sin, for whom the LORD makes ready the sword. 5 How becoming to the aged is wisdom, understanding and prudence to the venerable! 8 Like the blossoms on the branches in springtime, like a lily on the banks of a stream; I, Jesus, son of Eleazar, son of Sirach, as they gushed forth from my heart's understanding. 7 and subdued the enemy on every side. May he grant you wisdom of heart to govern his people in justice, The first 43 chapters of the Book provide moral instruction and common sense gained from experience, fitting of Wisdom literature. 4 Resolute princes of the folk, and governors with their staves; This single folio was published by Moses Gaster in Jewish Quarterly Review (Old Series) in 1900, but unfortunately its whereabouts are now unknown. A proud pauper, a rich dissembler, and an old man lecherous in his dotage. 13 All the sons of Aaron in their dignity clustered around him like poplars, The breastpiece for decision, the ephod and cincture 13 Before him, no one was adorned with these, nor may they ever be worn by any 1 The greatest among his brethren, the glory of his people, was SIMON the priest, son of Jochanan, 15 With a dragon or a lion I would rather dwell than live with an evil woman. 22 For Hezekiah did what was right and held fast to the paths of David, 3 He made sport of lions as though they were kids, and of bears, like lambs of the flock. The blessing of the LORD would be upon his lips, the name of the LORD would be his glory. Lest she become pregnant in her father’s house, or be sterile in that of her husband. The covenant with all his forebears was confirmed, and the blessing rested upon the head of JACOB. 21 For a while he holds back his words, then the lips of many herald his wisdom. 3 Your leaves it will eat, your fruits destroy, and you will be left a dry tree, Gold you gathered like so much iron, you heaped up silver as though it were lead; 18 Men of other families were inflamed against him, were jealous of him in the desert, 21 Then again the people would lie prostrate to receive from him the blessing of the Most High. He heard the prayer they uttered, and saved them through ISAIAH. To commemorate in incised letters each of the tribes of Israel; 11 Harmony among brethren, friendship among neighbors, and the mutual love of husband and wife. 11 My son, keep a close watch on your daughter, lest she make you a laughingstock for your enemies, 30 Her fetters will be your throne of majesty; her bonds, your purple cord. 4 For contumacious desire destroys its owner and makes him the sport of his enemies. 7 When you gain a friend, first test him, and be not too ready to trust him He conferred on him the rights of royalty and established his throne in Israel. To punish the enemy and to win the inheritance for Israel. Entre le Xe et la XXe s. connu que par ses versions grecque et syriaque. With string music before the altar, providing sweet melody for the psalms The Book of Sirach, also known as Ecclesiasticus, is part of the Wisdom Literature of the Greek Septuagint and the Latin Vulgate Bible. We also gratefully acknowledge the cooperation and assistance offered by the following colleagues: a) Martin Abegg, for graciously providing transcriptions of the Cairo Genizah manuscripts in a most generous manner; b) Benjamin H. Parker, who along with Prof Abegg, provided the translations of the Cairo Genizah folios; c) Roy Brown of Accordance Software, who kindly granted us permission to use the Abegg and Parker material (originally produced for Accordance); d) Eric Reymond, for graciously providing both the transcription and the translation of the Masada manuscript; e) Shulamit Elizur for allowing us to use her transcription and translation of the newly discovered folios of MS C; f) Prof Elizur and Michael Rand for their transcription of the newly discovered folio of MS D; g) Jeremy Corley, both for the annotated bibliography and for the list of early Greek Sirach manuscripts which accompany the website; h) Joshua A. Blachorsky, for producing the detailed Index of Passages; i) Eric Reymond, for compiling the list of New Readings; and j) Benjamin G. Wright, who has served as a consultant to the project. 8 Some of them have left behind a name and men recount their praiseworthy deeds; 17 Knowledge and full understanding she showers down; she heightens the glory of those who possess her. 1 Now will I praise those godly men, our ancestors, each in his own time: 24 Allow water no outlet, and be not indulgent to an erring wife. 18 During his reign Sennacherib led an invasion and sent his adjutant; The main portion of this leaf, with the shelfmark T-S 12.727, was published by Solomon Schechter in 1900; a small fragment which creates a perfect join, bearing the shelfmark T-S AS 213.4, was then identified and published by Alexander Scheiber in 1982. Who did not abandon God: may their memory be ever blessed, 15 Despite all this the people did not repent, nor did they give up their sins, 20 Then he increased the glory of Aaron and bestowed upon him his inheritance: Who knows her subtleties? 2 A worthy wife brings joy to her husband, peaceful and full is his life. Majestic, glorious, renowned for splendor, a delight to the eyes, beauty supreme. 28 For then the LORD will reveal your secrets and publicly cast you down, 2 Of the Law of the Most High and his precepts, or of justice that acquits the ungodly; Lest in her youth she remain unmarried, or when she is married, lest she be childless; 24 and caused them to be exiled from their land. 2 God's honor devolved upon him, and the Lord strengthened him with fearful powers; 23 Solomon finally slept with his fathers, and left behind him one of his sons, E 20 You brought dishonor upon your reputation, shame upon your marriage, 20 A merchant can hardly remain upright, nor a shopkeeper free from sin. Livre deutérocanonique de l'Ancien Testament (non retenu par le canon juif) d'inspiration sapientielle, intitulé "Ecclésiastique" par la Vulgate et "Siracide" par la Septante, du nom de son auteur Jésus Ben Sira. At our website they appear in the correct order, with correct procession of the material from Ben Sira 40:9 through Ben Sira 49:11. 14 Few on earth have been made the equal of ENOCH, for he was taken up bodily. Whose glory is equal to yours? 8 Happy is he who dwells with a sensible wife, and he who plows not like a donkey yoked with an ox.